The STRATEGIC Investment Framework

Building wealth, improving your financial health, and eliminating debt are possible with the Strategic Investment Framework.

The Strategic Investment Framework

S – Safe and Secure -Move away from the unstable and unpredictable investments and gravitate to financial decisions that promote security, safety, and stability.

T – Taxes: tax-free, tax-deferred, tax deduction – Going with tax-deferred violates the first rung of the framework: Safe and secure. Taxes are going to increase; that is just a fact of life. When you choose tax deferment there is a very good probability that taxes will increase by the time your deferment is up. Tax deductions and tax-free are more stable.

R- Recapture interest or Reduce payments to other institutions – Take back the money you are paying to bankers or lenders in interest and pay it to yourself. That is what the Infinite Banking Concept does for you.

A – Access to money. Asset Protection – It is important to have access to money when you need it, and asset protection is a significant part of that. The Infinite Banking Concept provides both of these.

T – Timing at retirement – There are three phases of a person’s financial lifecycle: accumulation, retirement, and distribution. Early on, during your accumulation phase, you begin building your financial portfolio by saving, working, and preparing for retirement. When you reach the retirement phase you get to see and experience what your diligent saving and working did for you. During the last phase, you find a balance that helps you maintain your finances without running out of money before death.

E – Environment impact (pandemics, stock market crash, depression) – You do not accumulate or even maintain your finances within a bubble. There are environmental factors that can influence your wealth. Some will increase it, and some will decrease it, but often you can manage the situation and make it work for you. That takes a great deal of finesse.

G – Government influence – The government creates nothing, they acquire resources and move them about, wherever they are needed. It is best to avoid government involvement in your finances. Keep your hands on your money.

I – Interest: Compound vs Simple (pay or earn) – When you pay interest to a bank or lender, you pay interest. You will pay simple interest or interest on interest which is compound. Shouldn’t that go into your pocket and not some bankers or lenders?

C – Control (who is in control) – Look at who is in control of your money right now. Even if you have money. Even if you pay your bills and maybe even have a little bit of fun, who really controls your finances? If you are paying a lender or banker for loans, then you are not in control. Take it back!